Our next meeting will be on 12 December and if you would like to join us it is necessary for you to book a place as we will not be meeting in the school. Instead we will be celebrating Christmas in the committee room at the Owley Wood Recreation Club, on Barrymore Road, Weaverham, CW8 3LS. Numbers are limited due to the size of the room, but husbands/wives/partners/friends are welcome to join us. The cost of our Christmas event will be £12 per head and includes a two course meal. For catering purposes we need to know the number attending so I am afraid you can’t turn up on the night unless you have booked and paid in advance. This can be done by contacting the Society via this website.
The evening will commence at 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start, giving you time to buy your drinks at the bar before the food arrives at around 7.30 pm. Our main meal will be steak and onion pie with a jacket potato and a green salad. This will be followed by a selection of desserts. If you have any dietary requirements eg you require gluten free or vegetarian alternatives, please let us know in advance. After the meal we will have our guest speaker and magician, Peter Turner. The title of his talk, which has been written especially for us, is ‘Magic – Past and Present’. The talk will be based on the history of cards and will look upon interesting decks that have an historical element to them. However, the main focus will be using decks in magic and I think we will be witnessing quite a few magic tricks.
If you would like to attend our Treasurer would prefer to receive your £12 per person by bank transfer. Bank details are Santander Bank, Weaverham History Society Business Account sort code 09-01-29, account no 26685458. Please use the reference December with your name. Payments by cheque to Weaverham History Society or in cash are also acceptable. This replaces our normal open to everyone meetings and is just for the month of December.
We look forward to welcoming you to our Christmas event.