
This web site is copyright of Weaverham History Society. Material on this site may not be copied for commercial gain. If you make non-commercial use of material on this site please acknowledge the source with a link.


Copyright is governed by the “Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988”

Under UK law material remains copyright for 70 years after the death of its author ( or the photographer in the case of photographs ), in the case of material without an author it remains copyright for 70 years from publication.

For maps, which are “Crown copyright”, the limit is 50 years after publication.

An excellent article on copyright can be found in “Copyright for Family Historians” by David Hawgood on GENUKI website

Accidental Infringement

The Society will endeavour not to publish copyright material on this website without permission of the copyright holder. If you believe that we have infringed your copyright please contact us and we will rectify the situation.

The Archives

The archives are “prescribed archives” under the terms of Statutory Instrument 1989 No. 1212, “The Copyright (Librarians and Archivists) (Copying of Copyright Material) Regulations 1989”

The Society’s archives contain a lot of material, some of which is copyright. The society may make digital copies of material for conservation purposes. The Society will endeavour not to make public digitised material from the archive that is copyright, except under the terms of the regulations. However the society wishes to make the non-copyright content of the digitised archive material available for research.

Photographs of Property

The owner of a property does not have any rights to the copyright of images of that property taken from a public place ( i.e. the street ). It is not the policy of the society to seek permission of the owners of properties which appear in photographs taken by or published by the society, nor that of individuals in a public place who may incidentally appear in photographs.

We will, however, endeavour to respect the privacy of individuals in their own property. If you have any genuine concerns please contact a member of the Committee.

Permission Guidelines for Google Maps and Google Earth

Information on permission to use Google maps and images can be found at

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