The Boer War

In September we start a new series of talks, the first one being on Tuesday, 12 September at 7.30 pm at the Weaverham Primary Academy on Northwich Road. This evening will also be the time for you to renew your membership subscription of £15 for the year. Preferably you can pay this using BACS, with sort code 09-01-29, account 26685458 or with cash on the night. It is also our AGM. Although we have a full complement of 9 committee members, if you would like to put yourself forward to join us on the committee, please contact the Society via this website.

In September our speaker will be Owen Powell from the Great War Society, who will be explaining how the Boer War was a major conflict which led to apartheid in South Africa and affected the fighting tactics used by the British Expeditionary Force of WW1, particularly relating to the use of cover, and the ability to deliver rapid, aimed rifle fire.

Owen will also have on display both Home Guard artefacts, as promised when he gave his talk on Zoom during lockdown, as well as objects from the Boer War.

September will also see the launch of our new publication, ‘Weaverham Revisited – Glancing Through Time’. Based upon our previous book ‘Old Weaverham’ and using new technology, we have sharpened up the old photographs, incorporated both new ones taken from our archives and colour shots of the village as it now appears and amended the text where new information has come to light.

The book will cost £10 and will be launched at our September meeting, or you can contact the Society via our website to obtain your copy ready for all those Christmas presents.

So what with the AGM, renewal of membership subscriptions, the talk and our new publication, it will be an evening not to be missed.

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