Statesmanship, Tragedy and Love

Weaverham Primary Academy Northwich Road, Weaverham, Cheshire, United Kingdom

A remarkable tale which includes twists and turns and illicit love, of 3 of Parkgate's 19th century overseas adventurers, told by Anthony Annakin-Smith.

The Electro Bleach Company of Middlewich

Weaverham Primary Academy Northwich Road, Weaverham, Cheshire, United Kingdom

David Nellist will be reviewing the history of this major chemical works in Middlewich which was taken over by ICI - but why was this successful company closed and the archives destroyed?

Little Moreton Hall

Weaverham Primary Academy Northwich Road, Weaverham, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Jill Owen will be looking at the history of the Hall, the Moretons who built it and what makes the building special.  What are the challenges of caring for a 500 year old property?

The Anglo Saxon World and its New Morality

Weaverham Primary Academy Northwich Road, Weaverham, Cheshire, United Kingdom

John Whitehead, a retired chaplain of Keele University, will be examining how the Anglo Saxons changed the world view of the British and introduced a new morality to day to day life in the country.

The History and Making of Walking Sticks

Weaverham Primary Academy Northwich Road, Weaverham, Cheshire, United Kingdom

The Secretary of the Risley Moss Stick Makers, Geoff Williams, will be explaining everything you need to know about walking sticks and also bringing along a wide variety of sticks for you to examine.

Tins, Tubes and Tenacity

Weaverham Primary Academy Northwich Road, Weaverham, Cheshire, United Kingdom

The art of survival during WW2 captivity in the Far East.  Meg Parkes, Honorary Research Fellow of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, will be clarifying what it takes to make it home again.