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Black and white house WHS logo

The Weaverham History Society promotes the study of and interest in history and archaeology with particular reference to Weaverham and the surrounding area.

The Society meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30 PM at Wallerscote Primary School ( for directions click here). Each month we invite a guest speaker to talk to us, usually on subject of local historical or archaeolgical interest, though sometimes the subjects range further afield.

Front cover of "Old Weaverham"

The Society published "Old Weaverham - A Pictorial History" and an Oral History. It has an ongoing Field and Property Boundaries Map Project and has an archive of photographs and documents relating to Weaverham.

The Society arranges occasional days out to places of local interest.

About the Society

A few interested people had for many years been transcribing the church records whilst others had been studying photographs and other aspects of village history. In 1983 they got together and on 21st March the Weaverham History Club was formed. This was renamed the Weaverham History Society in April 1987. The stated aim of the Club was 'that an active study should be followed'. 'The chairman wanted to keep preserved anything of antiquity appertaining to Weaverham in the way of maps, written work and stories and information by word of mouth of locals.' At a later meeting (May 11th) it was decided that the club 'should fulfil a service to the village in trying to preserve the knowledge of the locals and of those interested, and preserve this knowledge for the future.'

It was decided (in April 1983) that the initial idea, based on aerial photographs, of finding a Roman road passing through the village, would be a difficult starting venture. The first major project undertaken by members, using a modern map, was dating each house, naming each field and putting in hedge dates.

A small sub committee continues to study old maps of the area.

Initially, all members took an active role in studying the history of the village, and speakers were usually local people who could pass on their knowledge and any written records of the history of the village. With the expansion of the Society only a proportion of our membership now takes an active role in our projects. In 1987 the Society published its' first book 'Old Weaverham', which is a pictorial history of the village. As well as a brief history of the village, different aspects of village and farming life are recorded photographically with an accompanying text.

Early in the new millennium a team of History Society volunteers conducted over 40 interviews with individuals and family groups to compile over 120 hours of tape recordings. With the help of a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund this work resulted in the publication in 2004 of our second book, entitled 'An Oral History'. In 2009, in conjunction with the Weaverham Trust and Vale Royal Borough Council, blue plaques were placed on all listed properties in the village, and profit from the sale of this book was used to contribute to the cost. By agreement with the Lottery Fund, dependent on certain conditions being complied with, the remaining profit is earmarked for the renovation of 'the Barrymore Institute', which was a gift to the village by Lord Barrymore in 1907.

The Society has extensive archives including legal papers, a large selection of other documents, maps and photographs. A list of contents has been tabulated on Microsoft Access. The Society has received a Heritage Lottery Grant to enable the archives to be digitised and put onto a website.

Members are, once again, actively engaged in searching for the Roman road, which it is believed, passed through the village.

Every year the Society donates a history prize to a pupil of Weaverham High School, for a study of local history. The current membership of the Society is approximately 50. Meetings with a visiting speaker take place at Wallerscote Community School at 7.30pm on the second Tuesday of each month except August. In our programme we try to achieve a balance between local, British, European and, occasionally, world history. As well as our ongoing projects we enjoy days out in spring and summer with the services of Blue Badge guides, as well as occasional evening visits. We also have a very enjoyable Christmas party every year, often with a seasonal history based talk from a visiting speaker.

Membership is £14.00 per year. Children and students free ! Visitors are welcome at all our monthly meetings and are asked for a donation of £2.00.

Family History

Weaverham History Society is a local history society, not a family history society, but we are interested in old Weaverham families. If you have researched your family and would care to share it with us we would be delighted to hear from you. For more information please click here

We are now on Facebook

For news of the next speaker, trips and photos please see our Facebook page

Weaverham History Society