DRAFT - Not yet approved by the Committee

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Weaverham History Society is a not for profit organisation. Currently it is not a Data Controller under the terms of the Data Protection Act. The Society does not currently keep computerised records of its membership. The Society is exempt from Notification under the terms of the Data Protection Act.

Privacy Policies


All communications with the society should be regarded as private communications between the Sender and the individual members of the Committee of the Society. Unless explicitly requested not to, the Committee may disclose the contents of communications with the Committee to other members of the society, without the express permission of the sender, at the discretion of the Committee if the Committee considers this to be necessary in order to answer an enquiry by the sender.

Publication of Material

The Society publishes printed documents and a website. The Society will not publish material provided by the Sender without the express permission of the Sender.

Retention and Deletion policy

The society may retain communications on the mail server indefinitely. A printed copy may be retained by the Society in perpetuity ( it is in the nature of History Societies to retain documents ).


A cookie is a piece of data stored locally on your computer containing information about your activities on the Internet. We use cookies solely for saving your viewing and accessibility preferences. However our Web Hosting company does provide information about web site usage including IP addresses and search terms.

Photographs of Property

The owner of a property does not have any rights to the copyright of images of that property taken from a public place ( i.e. the street ). It is not the policy of the society to seek permission of the owners of properties which appear in photographs taken by or published by the society, nor that of individuals in a public place who may incidentally appear in photographs.

We will, however, endeavour to respect the privacy of individuals in their own property. If you have any genuine concerns please contact a member of the Committee.