Board of Trade.—Session 1913.


(Application to the Board of Trade under the . Electric Lighting Act®, 1882 to 1909, for a Provisional Order to Authorize the Weaverham Electricity Supply Company Limited to Generate Store and Supply Electricity for Public and Private Purposes in the Parishes of Weaverham-cum-Milton, Acton, Cuddington, and. that part of the Parish of Oakmere, which lies. East of the Western Boundary of the Cheshire Lines’ Railway, Whitegate and Winsford Branch, and to the. South of Winsford Junction, all in the the Rural District of Northwich in the County of Chester; Breaking up of Streets and Laying Down and Erection of Electric Lines, Wires, Posts and Apparatus; Rates and Charges; Incorporation of Acts; and other Provisions.)

NOTICE is hereby given, that application is JLlN intended to be made to the Board of Trade on or before the 21st day of December next by theWJeaverhamElectricity Supply Com- pany Limited, whose registered office is situate at Bank Chambers, Winnington-street, North- wich, in the County of Chester (hereinafter called “the Undertakers”) for a provisional Order (hereinafter called ” the Order “) under the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 to 190.9, for all or some of the following purposes (that is to say): —

1. To authorize the undertakers to generate store, supply and distribute electrical energy for all public and private purposes as defined by the said Acts within the parishes of Weaver- ham-cum-Milton, Acton, Cuddington, and that part of the parish of Oakmere which lies east of the western boundary of the Cheshire Lines Railway, Whitegate and Winsford branch, and to the .soutih of Winsford Junction all in the rural district of Northwich in the County of Chester (hereinafter referred to as the area of supply).

2. To authorize the undertakers to let for hire, fix, repair, .and remove lamps, meters1, electric line’s, fuses, switches, lamp holders, motors and other electrical fittings, for lighting motive or other purppses and to provide all materials and work necessary and proper in

that behalf, and with regard thereto to demand and take such charges and make such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon.

3. To authorize the undertakers to use the land hereinafter described for the purposes of the undertaking authorized by tiie intended Order, and to erect, construct, maintain, work and use thereon a station or stations together with all such buildings, engines, batteries, dynamos, accumulators and other plant, machinery, apparatus, works, and con- veniences as may be necessary or. suitable for generating electricity for the purpose of giving a supply under the Order.

The land above referred to is: —

ApieceoflandintheparishofWeaverham- cum-Milton, in the County of Chester, con- taining 726 square yards or thereabouts, be- longing or reputed to belong to the under- takers, and bounded on the north by the River W eaver, on the south by W eaverham- lane, and being the westernmost part of the enclosure, numbered 826 on the Ordnance Survey Map of the said’parish (Scale a^-<t(i Edition -1910—Sheet XXXIII-7).

4. The streets and parts of streets in whi<s it is proposed that electric lines shall be laid down within a period to be specified by the Order are as follows.: — ‘

Church-street from its junction with High- street to Weaverham Vicarage, Forest- street between High-street and the Methodist Church, Tarporley-road between the Gate Inn and Nook Farm, Station-road between Mere House and Acton Bridge Station, and between the Railway Inn Acton Bridge and W oodfield.

5. To’ prescribe and limit the price to be charged for the supply of electrical energy.

6. To empower the undertakers to transfer the undertaking authorized by the Order or any part thereof to any.local authority, com- pany or person on such terms and conditions as may be approved by the Board of Trade.

7. To confer upon the undertakers, with or without variation, all or any of the powersof the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 to 1909, and the enactments incorporated therewith to in- corporate with the Order and apply to the undertaking such of the provisions contained in the Schedule to the Electric Lighting (Clauses) Act, 1899, as are applicable to cases in which the undertakers are not the local authority subject to such variations and exemptions as may be contained in the said Order, and to alter., vary or extinguish all rights and privileges which would or might interfere with any of the objects of the Order and to confer other rights and privileges neces- sary, for carrying such objects into effect.

And notice is hereby given, that a map showing the boundaries of the area of supply and the streets in which it is proposed that electric.lines shall be laid down within a speci- fied time, a plan of the said land and a copy of this advertisement as published in the London Gazette will be deposited on or before the 30th day of November next for public inspection with the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Chester, at the County Offices at Chester, and

at the offices of the rural district council at Northwich, and also at the offices of the Board of Trade, Whitehall, ‘London.

And notice is hereby further given, that the draft of the Order will be deposited at the office of the Board of Trade on or before the 21st day of December next and printed copies of the draft Order when deposited and of the Order when made may be obtained at the price of one shilling for each copy at tJbe Gate Inn, W eaver- ham (which is within the area of supply), and at the offices of the undermentioned Parlia- mentary Agents.

Every local or other authority, company or person desirous of bringing before the Board of Trade any objection respecting the applica- tion must do so by letter addressed to the Board of Trade marked on the outside of the cover enclosing it ” Electric Lighting Acts’•’ on or before the 15th day of January, 1913, and a copy of such objections must also be forwarded to the undersigned Solicitor or Par- liamentary Agents.

Dated this 5th day of November, 1912.
W . BANCROFT, Northwich, Solicitor.


TAYLOR, HOARE AND JELF, 12, Norfolk street, Strand

W .C., Parliamentary Agents.

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